Monday, September 17, 2007

Adventures of the Reading Wizard and the Jess-ter, vol. 1.

The El Sobrante Stroll

Armed with a wizard’s staff, a green wagon, and over five hundred books, the Reading Wizard and the Jess-ter took on a mission of dispensing free books to local children at the El Sobrante Stroll. With nothing more than a sign declaring Free Kids Book (to indicate to the kids to leave some for the others), they prepared for this great and difficult task by dressing the part.

The Reading Wizard and the Jess-ter were aware that there had been books leftover last year, and were determined to change that. The Jess-ter meandered through crowds of people at her own peril, avoiding cars, trucks, horses, and even a rock climbing wall to find those elusive children who could take home books.

However, within moments it was clear that the Jess-ter’s mission was futile as kids came running from all directions.

It was unclear if it was the magical powers of the Reading Wizard, or just the spell the hundreds of books weaved on the unsuspecting crowd, but the wagon was besieged with voracious readers looking to get their hands onto a new book.

Soon, even the horses wanted in on the books and waited patiently in line for their turn.

Success was met with the squeaking wheels of an empty green wagon as the Reading Wizard stopped to pose for pictures with grateful readers of all ages, before happily and cheerfully making his way home, knowing that hundreds of kids were going home with at least one book more than they had the day before.

The Jess-ter followed in the Reading Wizard’s wake. “Mission accomplished,” she thought.

Stay tuned for more adventures of the Reading Wizard!


At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terrific - I can't wait for the next chapter!

Jess-ter, You ROCK!



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